Have a question about WYB? See the FAQs below. Cannot find what you are looking for? Please email us.
When are tryouts?
Mandatory tryouts are for players and coaches ONLY on Monday Columbus Day, October 14, 2024, at the Warwick Veterans Middle School. Each grade has a one-hour tryout slot and each participant must sign up online. If a player cannot attend the Columbus Day tryouts, please email warwickyouthbasketballri.org for a make-up date/time. Players MUST attend tryouts in order to make a team.
Does my family have to reside in Warwick, RI to play travel basketball for the Warriors?
A player’s primary residence must be in the City of Warwick and have a copy of a school report card. If parents of a player are divorced, the player must attend a Warwick Public School to play in the program. If player attends a private school, their primary Warwick address must be shown on a utility bill and/or be listed on their school report card.
When will I find out if my child made a team?
Rosters for each grade will be posted on our website on the evening of Wednesday, October 16, 2024. A roster spot is only guaranteed for one season. Program registration must be completed by 11:59 PM on Sunday October 15th.
To review what happens after registering for the 2024-25 tryouts, click here.
If my child does not make a developmental or competitive travel team, where can he/she play basketball this season?
If a player does not make a team, we will refer him/her to the Boys & Girls Club, Kent County YMCA, and/or our Little Warriors Advanced Basketball League (ABL).
What happens if my child misses tryouts or is unable to attend?
The WYB Advisory Board reserves the right to provide players a tryout if there is a spot available on a team after official tryouts. All decisions will be voted on by the Advisory Board on an individual basis. If the vote is tied, the Chairman of the Board will determine the final outcome.
What travel league do we play in?
WYB are members of the Rhode Island Metro West Youth Basketball League which consists of towns/cities throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Our teams also compete in Rhode Island Youth Basketball Association (RIYBA) tournaments during holiday weekends.
Can my child play for both WYB and other local programs?
During the winter season, WYB does not restrict players from playing on school-affiliated basketball teams. Playing for the WYB and school teams must take priority over any non-affiliated team (including AAU or another sport).
Can my child play up an age group/grade?
Players can play up while in 2nd grade. Players in grades 3-8 MUST play for their own grade level unless a specific team cannot field a team and is approved by the Advisory Board. Girls players ONLY can double roster assuming their current grade team is the priority throughout the season. This aligns with RIYBA rules for girls basketball. Boys players cannot double roster.
Can I request that my children be placed on the same team?
Players will be assigned to teams by grade and level in an effort to make our program as competitive as possible. Thus, requests are not honored unless siblings have equal ability.
Can I coach?
We anticipate the need for coaches for each grade level, especially “B” level head coaches. Please indicate your willingness to coach by emailing us.
What does it cost to play on a travel team?
The team fee to participate, which covers games/tournaments and practice time throughout the season, is $325 which does NOT include the cost of the team uniform. Financial Aid is available through Warwick PAL by individual request only.
How do players get sized for an official Warrior uniform?
A mandatory uniform fitting for players that need a team uniform is held during the weekend October 19-20 (see uniform page for details). Players can buy a full set for $80, separates (shorts $35, game jerseys $45) or wear last year’s uniform as long as it has a PAL logo on the right chest of the jersey.
What does a typical season look like?
The season is broken into three parts:
The Metro West League consists of 9 regular-season games from early December - mid-March on nine Sunday mornings/afternoons and up to 3 non league on Saturday’s. Home games are played at Warwick Veterans Memorial Middle School, Toll Gate High School, and Bishop Hendricken. Away games are played at another Rhode Island town/city gymnasium.
Non-league games are played at our home courts or at a Southeastern Massachusetts town/city gymnasium.
Rhode Island Youth Basketball Association and/or out-of-state tournaments. Teams choose specific tournament weekends when regular-season games are not being played.
When/where will practices be held?
Practices will be held at the Warwick Public Schools, Bishop Hendricken High School, Rocky Hill Country Day School, Kent County YMCA, and the Boys and Girls Club of Warwick. Specific practice days/times are listed under “schedule” on our website.
What is the pre-season parent meeting about?
The parent meeting is set for Wednesday October 23, 2024 from 7:45-8:30 PM. The objective of the meeting is to set the player and parent expectations for the upcoming season which includes: team rules, the parent policy, player expectations, team fees, sponsorship, volunteering, and the practice and game schedules. It is also an opportunity to meet the President, Advisory Board, and coaching staff for each grade.
Minimum playing time requirements:
3rd-5th grades: 6-8 total minutes in regular-season games only.
6th-8th grades: Playing time is earned, not guaranteed.
*To learn more about maximizing playing time, click here.
During the regular season and playoffs, players are expected to attend regularly scheduled practices and games. If a player has an unexcused absence from practice (i.e. practice for another sport) their playing time for the game that week can be reduced. If there are multiple occurrences, the player will be suspended or terminated from the program.
Minimum playing time requirements ONLY apply to regular-season games for grades 3-5. In the playoffs, there are no playing time requirements for any grade level.
It does not apply for holiday tournaments because games are significantly shorter than a MetroWest game.
While players are expected to attend practices, failure to attend unofficial practices (i.e., if the coach gets extra gym time) is not a sufficient reason for a player to play less than the minimum time. There are no other playing time requirements; for example, players are not entitled to start any game or play in the 4th quarter.
Furthermore, players identified as “practice developmental players” at the beginning of the season by a head coach do not qualify for minimum playing time requirements. They are agreeing to practicing with the team, using the season to develop their skills and must be a positive member on the bench. Coaches may not play a player less than the minimum amount in one game and make it up to him/her in a future game (unless approved by the Advisory Board).
Players who are benched for disciplinary reasons can be penalized by playing less than the minimum amount. In such a case, the head coach must notify the family as to why their child is being penalized.
Refund Policy:
There are no refunds granted after a child has played/participated in a sanctioned practice or game. If a family opts out of participating prior to the first practice they will be granted a refund of $250 ($50 is nonrefundable).
“hard work beats talent…when talent fails to work hard.”
- Kevin Durant